Vue random color from an array on scroll:To randomly change the color of a Vue component on scroll, you can start by creating an array of colors. Then, add an event listener to the window object to detect when the user scrolls. In the scroll event handler, calculate the distance the user has scrolled and use that value to pick a random color from the array. Finally, set the component’s background color to the selected color using Vue’s data binding syntax. The code for this can be written in just a few lines using Vue’s reactive data properties and event listeners, making it a simple and effective way to add some visual interest to your Vue app.
How can I randomly change the background color from an array of colors on scroll in Vue?
This Vue code creates a simple app that changes the background color of a div element on scroll. The color is chosen randomly from an array of colors. The app listens for a scroll event on the window and triggers the handleScroll method. This method chooses a random color from the colors array and sets it as the currentColor data property, which is then bound to the div’s background-color CSS property using v-bind. The transition CSS property is also set to create a smooth transition effect between colors. Overall, this creates a dynamic and visually engaging effect that responds to user interaction
Vue random color from an array on scroll Example
<div id="app">
<div v-bind:style="{ backgroundColor: currentColor, transition: 'background-color 1s ease-in-out' }" style="height: 100000px;">
Vue random color from an array on scroll
<script type="module">
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
currentColor: null,
colors: ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff', '#ffff00', '#00ffff']
mounted() {
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
methods: {
handleScroll() {
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.colors.length);
this.currentColor = this.colors[randomIndex];